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Proposal Ideas
  1. Hire a chef for the evening to prepare an extravagant meal at home. Have the ring served at the bottom of her champagne flute after the meal or presented as the "final course."
  2. Women loves puppies and diamonds. Present her with a puppy with the engagement ring on its collar. Symbolize your unity with the puppy as the start of your new life together.
  3. Rent a limousine for an evening of fine dining and present the ring on the ride home.
  4. Take out a full-page ad in a newspaper you know your girlfriend reads daily.
  5. Pay the divers at an aquarium to put on a proposal show inside their biggest fish tank. Give them a handwritten sign that says, "Will you marry me?" to hold up against the glass.
  6. Send your girlfriend on a treasure hunt. Start with a clue at home; then send her on a tour of your favorite spots all over town. When she gets to the last hint, the prize should be you on one knee.
  7. Flying anytime soon? Use the plane's loudspeaker system (of course, run your plan by the flight attendants first) and propose at 35,000 feet.
  8. Hike to the top of a mountain. At the top, pull out the ring while you are overlooking. When she turns to you be on one knee.
  9. For a simple surprise, after she goes to bed, go to her jewelry box and replace her everyday ring with the engagement ring. She'll be completely shocked in the morning when she goes to put on her regular ring.
  10. Write her a love note with the proposal at the end of it. Tuck it into her favorite book or the one she happens to be reading at the moment, and when she finds the note, surprise her with the ring.
  11. Take the scavenger hunt high-tech: Send your mate a text message leading her to a secret spot. Keep her engaged by text messaging her sweet nothings along the way (and directions, of course) as you lead her to you, on bended knee.
  12. Get a ring size chart and ask your girlfriend to look up her size. When she accuses you of ruining the surprise that you're shopping for a ring, say, "Okay, try this one instead," and show her that you've already shopped for a ring.
  13. Meet for a drink at a posh hotel bar. When it's time to go, casually mention that you've already reserved a room for the night. When you open the hotel room door, have roses, candles and champagne all set up -- everything for a perfect surprise proposal.